About Us
About Us
The Orange Cove Fire Protection District is dedicated to providing fire protection and emergency services to the community of Orange Cove, and its surrounding areas. It was established in 1941 and has since been committed to protecting lives, property, and the enviornment from fires and other emergencies. OCFPD operates out of a full-time and paid call staffed fire station.
The District provides structural and wildland fire suppression, emergency medical response, basic life support, rescue and extrication, fire prevention and fire investigations (law enforcement). We are staffed with a full time Battalion Chief, 3 full time Company Officers, and 22 paid on call firefighters.
Areas Served
The Orange Cove Fire Protection District provides services for the City of Orange Cove and the unincoprporated raural lands near the Orange Cove area. The District operates under the Fire Protection District Law of 1987. The District's service area and sphere of influence encompass 27,200 acres located within Fresno and Tulare Counties.